Tag Archives: Central Park

Old New York In Photos #177 – Schiller Monument, Central Park Lake & The Dakota Apartment Building 1891

The Central Park Lake As Seen From The Schiller Monument 1891

We are returning to another unique New York view taken for The Albertype Company in 1891.

Featured is the Central Park Lake. Beyond the lake along Central Park West we see the Dakota Apartment building (left) between 72nd and 73rd Streets. Two blocks away, partially seen is the nearly completed Hotel San Remo between 74th and 75th Streets.

Though it initially appears there are two boys in the photo, there are actually four boys. Here’s a closer look.

The photograph’s location is described as “Lake View From Schiller Statue.”

The Schiller Monument is currently near Central Park’s  Mall opposite the Naumburg Bandshell. This would be a location anachronism as this view of the lake would be nowhere near the mall.

Schiller Monument 1942 photo: Marjory Collins

But, originally the Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller monument was placed in The Ramble opposite 76th Street in 1859.

Schiller monument in Ramble c. 1870

Schiller monument (on right) with Lake view

Ask a thousand people visiting Central Park and I would think not one would know who Schiller was. In addition, it is doubtful anyone would know that this was the first sculpture installed in Central Park.

Schiller (1759–1805) was a German historian, naturalist and writer of the plays Wilhelm TellMary Stuart, and Wallenstein. Central Park’s website says “both Schiller’s literary and human rights work were admired at home and abroad”

On the original granite pedestal the following was engraved in German:




When the monument was moved to its current location in 1954 the original base was replaced with a new inscription.

1759 – 1805

Old New York In Photos #175 – Fifth Avenue From 57th Street

Fifth Avenue Looking North From 57th Street c. 1914

From the Detroit Publishing Company comes this lightly trafficked view of Fifth Avenue. By 1915 horses were being phased out of daily street life and a large portion of the vehicular traffic is motorized. Continue reading

May Day Gathering In New York For Socialists And Communists

May 1 Brings Out The Socialists And Communists In 1930s New York

Socialists Hold May Day Celebration In Central Park
Shown above is a scene on the Mall in Central Park, New York City on May Day as the Socialists listened to the various speakers. The Mall was crowded to capacity. credit: Acme May 1, 1935

In 1930s New York socialism was a popular draw. Continue reading

Old New York In Photos #159 – North Of Central Park 1871

Paving The Road North Of Central Park

This barren scene is Sixth Avenue (renamed Lenox Avenue in 1887 and additionally named Malcom X Boulevard in 1987) just north of Central Park.

As the northern boundary of the city kept expanding the grading and opening of streets continued further north. Continue reading

Old New York In Photos #151 – Fifth Avenue Mansions 1910

Fifth Avenue Looking North From 64th Street

From a private collection comes this 1910 photograph of Fifth Avenue looking north from 64th Street. The tree lined west side of the street abuts Central Park. The residential nature of this stretch of Fifth Avenue can be seen by the abundance of mansions as far as the eye can see.  Continue reading

Old New York In Photos #146 – The Plaza Hotel With Interior Views 1909

The New Plaza Hotel And The Suite Of John W. “Bet A Million” Gates- 1909

This real photo postcard by Thaddeus Wilkerson shows the new Plaza Hotel. The hotel towers above its neighbors offering its guests terrific views of the city and the park. We are looking southwest from the Hotel Netherland on 60th Street and Fifth Avenue. The southern boundary of Central Park at 59th Street is on the right and on the extreme left is a portion of the Vanderbilt mansion on Fifth Ave and 58th Street.

The original Plaza Hotel on the same site was opened in 1890 and demolished in 1905.  The new Henry Hardenbergh designed Plaza Hotel was much larger than its predecessor.

The original estimate to buy the site, raze the old hotel and build the new hotel was Continue reading

Jackie Kennedy Onassis And JFK Jr. Ride Bikes In Central Park

A Famous Pair Ride Bicycles (Almost Unnoticed) In Central Park – 1969

Maybe most people in Central Park on this Fall day did not pay any special attention to the woman riding a bicycle behind a young boy. But Ron Galella did.

The original news caption reads: Continue reading

This May Be The Oldest Manhole Cover In New York

A Man Made Object In Central Park Almost As Old As The Park Itself

The 161- Year-Old Central Park Relic Hidden In Plain Sight

When you need to go to the restroom in Central Park there are few choices. Last year when a friend needed to use the bathroom we headed towards the closest one.

The tennis courts were empty as it was getting near dusk. But the bathrooms near the tennis courts were open, about 100 feet from the northern part of the Central Park reservoir.

I was waiting outside the building containing the women’s bathrooms looking down at the ground.

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Old New York In Photos #135 – Curling In Central Park

Curling, “The Roarin’ Game” At Central Park 1894

Curling in Central Park 1894 photo – Joseph Byron later published by Detroit Publishing  

It may not be the most popular sport but curling may get the most television airtime during the 2022 Winter Olympics. Continue reading