What Happens When You Add An “R” To The Title Of A Movie?
Occasionally Reddit will have some funny topics, among them this query:
“What movie changes its plot if you add a random “R” somewhere in its title?”
Looking through a couple of hundred comments, many wrote the same obvious re-wordings; Planet of the Rapes, The Bartman, Beauty and the Breast, Troy Story and so on.
The best ones I thought were- R. Kelly’s Heroes, Paper Moron, and A Fish Called Rwanda.
I didn’t check all 8,000+ responses, so if anyone came up any of these first, then we think alike.
Because I enjoy classic movies, my list of films and their plot lines leans towards older films.
26 Films With An “R” Added To The Title & Their Plots
The Tern Commandments – God’s forgotten proclamations about birds.
Ron The Waterfront – Ron lives a boring life near the river.
Harmlet – A Danish prince causes havoc wherever he goes.
Breakfast Rat Tiffany’s – A rodent finds tasty morsels at a high end jewelry store.
Goring My Way – Bing Crosby as a priest who sidelines as a picador.
How The West Was Worn – 19th century fashions as they evolved west of the Mississippi.
Carmelot – The life & times of ancient England when all a king needed was some candy.
Relf – Documentary of the diminutive lead singer of the Yardbirds.
Rebel Without A Causer – A psychological film about a teen who doesn’t understand what or who is making him angry.
The Prawnbroker – Rod Steiger runs a seafood store.
The Alarmo – A man keeps warning people of an imminent attack by Mexicans that never happens.
The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stoner – An older woman thinks she’s in love with a younger man but she’s actually just really high.
The Man Who Knew Toro Much – A man and a bull develop an unnaturally close relationship.
Valley of the Drolls – Women who are dependent upon their amusing wits.
The French Cornnection – Exciting story of France’s maize smugglers.
The String – Paul Newman & Robert Redford work to get a kite in the air.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Fractory – Willy Wonka meets the Mandelbrot set – based upon a fractal story.
Blazing Saddlers – Comedy involving saddle repair men.
Shakespeare In Lover – The amorous moments of the bard.
Ramadeus – The forbidden love story of two 18th century male composers.
Goner With The Wind – Hurricane season sweeps away beachfront plantations.
Around The World in 80 Drays – A man and his companion bet they can stay inebriated while riding 80 different beer wagons and still manage a round the world trip.
Rosemary’s Barby – Unsuspecting pregnant woman plays with Satanic doll.
Midnight Crowboy – Texan Joe Buck comes to New York and meets a limping bird-caller.
The Wild Brunch – Sam Peckinpah’s masterpiece about a Sunday meal gone awry.
M*A*R*S*H* – Korean war story about medical unit being stationed in a bog.
Animal Houser – John Belushi runs a pet hotel
“A Dray at the Races” — A wannabe race driver enters his beer truck in the Indy 500.
“The Wild Brunch” was my fave. I can actually see the movie that would be made. Much like Monty Pythons “Salad Days”.