Advice From 1906 – How To Stay Young

Success Magazine On Ways To Stay Young

From the September 1906 issue of Success Magazine comes this article on staying young.

Is it as simple as city versus country living? Going to the theater erases age? Maybe if you see a boring modern Broadway show that puts you in a cryogenic-like state


Never retire from active fife, if you can possibly avoid it: keep ‘‘in the swim;’’ keep the mind active; never refer to your advancing years or say “‘at my age.”

To preserve youth, you must have a variety of experience. The country woman at 40, although breathing a purer air and having on a more healthful diet than the city woman, often looks 50, while the latter at the same age, does not look more than 30. But her mind is more active than that of her country sister; that is the secret of her more youthful appearance.

Nothing else ages one more rapidly than monotony—a dead level existence without change of scene or experience. The mind must be kept fresh or it will age. and the body can not be younger than the mind.

Few minds are strong enough to overcome the aging rules in the average country home. City people have infinitely greater variety of life. They enjoy themselves a great deal more than country people. They work hard when at work, but, when they are through, they drop
everything and have a good time. There is no doubt that the theater, in spite of its many evils, has done a great deal toward erasing the marks of age. People who laugh much retain their youth longer.— Success Magazine.

Or you could simply apply some anti-aging cream.

Things haven’t changed much in over 100 years have they?

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