New York City Apartment House Names In 1904 (O-Y)
We conclude our list of the named apartment buildings in New York city in 1904 with letters O-Y, there were no named apartment buildings beginning with a Z
The most popular name was the Washington, with eight buildings spread out across the city.
Walking across 23rd Street the other day I noticed an abundance of vacant lots and new construction.This is the trend all over the city. Old smaller (and sometimes large) buildings get demolished and glass-mirrored “luxury ” apartments take their place.
As we pointed in the first of these articles, almost none of the named buildings in 1904 are extant today (either by name or location).
If humanity does not destroy itself, how many of the buildings that are here in New York City today, be around 113 years from now?
This list is only comprised of apartment buildings in Manhattan and the Bronx.
Apartment – Hotels are denoted by an asterisk.
Oakdale, 36 W. 25th st.
Oakhurst, 2139 Seventh ave.
Oakland, 152 W. 49th st.
Oakley, 212 W. 14th st.
Ohio, 200 W. 79th St.
Olga, 44 W. 120th St.
Olympia, 501 W. 125th st.
Omaha, 59 W. 65th st.
Ontario, 442 St. Nicholas ave.
Ontiora, 200 W. 55th st.
Oradell 11 W. 124th st.
Orchid, 170 W. 78th st.
Oregon, 111 E. 76th st.
Oregon, 28 W. 127th st.
Oriental, 316 E. 57th st.
Orion, 144 W. 105th St.
Orlando, 311 W. 94th st.
Orleans, 975 Eighth ave.
*Orleans, 100 W. 80th st.
Ormiston, 1421 Madison ave.
Ormond, 1835 Seventh ave.
Ormonde, 2026 Broadway
Ormonde, 101 W. 86th st.
Osborne, 205 W. 57th st.
Osborne, 172 W. 79th st.
Oxford, 25 E. 124th St.
Oxford, 212 W. 133d St.
Pacific, 108 E. 91st St.
Pacific, 145 W. 111th st.
Packard, 200 W. 107th st.
Palace, 201 W. 87th st.
Palacio, 59 E. 65th st.
Palais Royal, 1864 Seventh ave.
Palermo, 125 E. 57th st.
Palisade, 325 W. 56th st.
Palisade, 1350 Madison ave.
Palma, 117 E. 82d st.
Pamlico, 97 Central Park West
Park, 101 Waverly pi.
Park, 128 E. 96th st.
Parker, 53 E. 115th st.
Parker, 490 St. Nicholas ave.
Parkhill, 131 Hamilton pl.
Parkhurst, 2135 Seventh ave.
Park Madison, 25 Madison ave.
Parkmere, 138 W. 111th st.
Park Palace, 405 Central Park West
Parkside, 525 Park ave.
Parkside, 72 Morningside ave.
Parkview, 222 Central Park South
Parkview, 1573 Madison ave.
Parkview, 2 W. 104th st.
Park View, 1206 Fifth ave.
Park View, 307 W. 111th st.
Park View, 315 W. 116th st.
Parkville, 823 Park ave.
Parkway, 45 W. 72d st.
Parthenon, 400 Manhattan ave.
Passadena, 55 W. 112th st.
*Patterson, 58 W. 47th st.
Pauline, 356 W. 56th st.
Pauline, 53 W. 112th st.
Peabody, 104 Waverly pi.
Pembroke, 10 W. 93d st.
Pentaquit, 40 W. 128th st.
Pequot, 69 W. 88th st.
Philips, 137 W. 49th St.
Piedmont, 71 W. 88th st.
Pierrepont, 43 W. 32d st.
Pierrepont, 217 W. 40th st.
Pinkney Court, 151 W. 140th st.
Placid, 22 Lenox ave.
Plaza, 795 St. Nicholas ave.
Plaza, 131 Edgecomb ave.
Plymouth, 142 E. 83d st.
Plymouth, 537 W. 149th st.
Pocantico, 1696 Broadway
Poillon, 13 Central Park West
Poinciana, 507 W. 124th st.
Polo, 964 St. Nicholas ave.
Pomona, 507 Columbus ave.
Ponce de Leon, 1157 Lexington ave.
Poningoe, 168 W. 65th st.
Pontiac, 176 W. 82d st.
Portia, 228 W. 37th st.
Portland, 120W. 46th st. and 132 W. 47th st.
Portland, 47 W. 72d st.
Port Royal, 246 W. 129th st.
Portsmouth, 38 W. 9th st.
Potomac, 2215 Eighth ave.
Powellton, 229 W. 97th st.
Powhattan, 215 W. 34th st.
Praetorian, 236 W. 122d st.
Prague, 72 W. 87th st.
Premier, 237 W. 20th st.
*Premier, 139 E. 72d st.
President, 101 Lexington ave.
Princeton, 324 W. 57th st.
Princeton, 968 St. Nicholas ave.
Prospect Hill, 1270 Madison ave.
Providence, 142 E. 52d st.
Puritan, 100 W. 89th st.
Purling, 770 St. Nicholas ave.
Quentin, 210 W. 56th st.
Quincy, 142 W. 33d st.
Raceland, 200 W. 130th st.
Rafael, 645 Madison ave.
Raffaella, 531 W. 124th st.
Raleigh. 100 E. 76th st.
Raleigh, 7 W92d st.
Raleigh, 814 West End ave.
Raleigh, 204 St. Nicholas ave.
*Ramon, 338 W. 57th st.
Ramondo, 784 Park ave.
Randolph, 12 W. 18th st.
Rangeley, 2340 Seventh ave.
Rauth, 296 Central Park West
Ravenswood, 118 E. 91st st.
Raymond, 42 E. 28tn st.
Raymond, 349 W. 44th st.
Raymond, 257 W. 111th st.
Raymore, 1 W . 68th st.
Raynor, 452 St. Nicholas ave.
Reeve, 131 E. 101st st.
Relache, 115 E. 82d st.
Rembrandt, 152 W. 57th st.
Rembrandt, 98th st. and Amsterdam ave.
Renaissance, 10 W. 43d st.
Renaissance. 72 W. 88th st.
Renfrew, 103 w. 77th st.
Rexmere, 330 W. 85th st.
Rexton, 318 W. 83d st.
Richard, 3604 Broadway
Richelieu, 171 W. 95th st.
Richfield. 235 W. 43d st.
Richland, 58 E. 94th st.
Richmond. 3 Bank st.
Richmond. 76 W. 89th st.
Richmond. 369 W. 116th st.
Richmond Hill, 27 Washington sq.. North
Ridgeburg, 402 W. 153d st.
Rio Grande, 143 E. 30th st.
Riverdale, 439 W. 57th st.
Riverside, 700 West End ave.
Riverside, 317 W. 104th st.
River View, Broadway and 148th st.
Riviera, 230 W. 99th st.
Riviera, 2441 Seventh ave.
Roanoke, 288 St. Nicholas ave.
Robert Bums, 254 W. 98th st.
Robert Fulton, 177 W. 95th st.
Rochambeau, 1856 Seventh ave.
Rockingham, 1748 Broadway
Rockland, 140 W. i6th st.
Rodna, 98 Momingside ave.
Roffee, 7 Fifth ave.
Rollason, 17 W. 84th st.
Romona, 108 W. 103d st.
Rosalie, 56 W. 112th st.
Rosary, 306 W. 99th st.
Rose, 117 E. 92d st.
Rosedale, 854 Seventh ave.
Rosedale, 246 W. 124th st.
Rosemary, 4 W. 93d st.
Rosemont, 210 W. 105th st.
Rosemont, 126 W. 127th st.
Rosemount, 65 Morningside ave.
Roslyn. 102 W. 84th st.
Rossmore, 1827 Seventh ave.
Rothsay, 136 E. 18th st.
Rowland, 446 W. 47th st.
Roxane, 67 W. 127th st.
Roxburg, 849 St. Nicholas ave.
Roxbury, 1833 Seventh ave.
Royal, 65 W. 91st st.
Royal, 2099 Eighth ave.
Royal Palm, 503 W. 124th st.
Royal R, 189 W. 101st st.
*Royalton, 47 W. 43d st. and 44 W. 44th st.
Royat, 330 W. 33d St.
Rudolph. 325 Central Park West
Ruth, 306 W. 114th st.
Ruth, 449 W. 123d st.
Rutherford, 206 E. 17th St.
Rutherfurd, 175 Second ave.
Rutledge, 1 W. 82d st.
Sagamore, 68 E. 122d st.
St. Albans, 349 W. 58th st.
St. Andoche, 855 West End ave.
St. Andrews, 2 E. 127th st.
St. Augustine, 264 W. 57th st.
St. Bevan, 1773 Madison ave.
St. Catharine, 507 Madison ave.
St. Charles, 101 W. 72d st.
St. Charles, 213 W. 105th st.
St. Clement, 365 W. 23d st.
St. Elmo, 170 W. 85th St.
St. George, 223 E. 17th st.
St. George, 230 W. 50th st.
St. George, 1125 Lexington ave.
St. Germaine, 200 W. 86th st.
St. Gothard, 418 W. 118th st.
St. Helen, 321 E. 125th st.
St. Honore, 1142 Madison ave.
*St. Hubert, 120 W. 57th st.
St. Ives, 153 E. 72d st.
*St. James, 109 W. 45th st.
St. James, 2 W. 99th st.
St. James, 956 Eighth ave.
St. James, 2194 Seventh ave.
St. James Court, 2462 Seventh ave.
St. James Court, 214 W. 92d st.
St. John, 422 W. 47th St.
St. John. 401 W. 57th St.
St. John, 511 W. 112th st.
St. John, 494 Manhattan ave.
St. Lawrence, 88th st. and Madison ave.
*St. Lorenz, 127 E. 72d st.
St. Luke. 496 Manhattan ave.
St. Luke’s, 246 W. 112th St.
St. Matilda, 158 W. 15th st.
St. Nicholas, 108 St. Mark’s pl.
St. Nicholas, 67 St. Nicholas ave.
St. Nicholas, 334 W. 124th st.
St. Nicholas, 488 St. Nicholas ave.
St. Nicholas, 475 W. 159th st.
St. Nicholas Court, 746 St. Nicholas ave.
St. Orimand, 417 W. 114th st.
*St. Paul. 15 Columbus ave.
St. Paul, 219 W. 80th St.
St. Paul, 54 Lenox ave.
St. Paul, 278 W. 120th St.
St. Thomas, 66 W. 53d st.
St. Thomas, 202 W. 130th st.
Salamanca, 155 W. 58th st.
Salome, 151 W. 105th st.
Salvatore, 20 E. 97th st.
Sampson, 140 W. 67th st.
San Carlo. 16 E. 97th st.
San Diego, 128 E. 86th st.
Sandomere, 2573 Eighth ave.
San Jose, 1245 Madison ave.
San Marino, 509 W. 112th st.
San Rafael, 65 W. 45th st.
*San Remo, 146 Central Park West
San Salvador. 2 W. 98th st.
Sans Souci. 31 W. 124th st.
Santa Anita, 122 E. 34th st.
Santa Gertrude. 46 W. 131st st.
Santa Margherita, 1125 Madison ave.
Santa Rosa, 120 E 89th st.
Saranac, 180 W. 74th st.
Saranac, 24 Lenox ave.
Saville, 420 W. 118th st.
Savoy, 239 W. 20th st.
Savoy, 1840 Seventh ave.
Saxony, 250 W. 82d st.
Scarboro. 176 W. 86th st.
Scarboro Mansions, 221 W. 57th st.
Schiller, 178 W. 81st st.
Schuchman, 126 E. 12th st.
*Schuyler, 59 W. 45th st.
Sefton, 342 W. 30th St.
Seminole, 2020 Broadway
Semiramis, 137 W. 110th st.
Seneca. 157 W. 83d st.
Sevillia, 117 W. 58th st.
Seymour, 50 W. 45th st.
Shandon, 463 W. 43d st.
Sheboume, 256 W. 55th st.
Shelboume, 100 W. 97th st.
Shelton, 172 W. 130th st.
Sheridan. 77 W. 94th st.
Sheridan. 1420 Fifth ave.
Sherman, 157 W. 48th st.
Sherman, 227 W. 123d st.
Sherman, 106 E. 124th st.
*Sherry. Fifth ave. and W. 44th st.
Sibylla, 58 Irving pl.
Sidonie, 140 E. 48th st.
Sinclair, 265 W. 129th st.
Sloane, 45 W. 32d st.
Smithsonian, 148 E. 30th st.
Smithsonian, 60 W. 129th st.
*Somerset, 150 W. 47th st.
Somerset, 2148 Seventh ave.
Soncy, 49 W. 57th st.
Sonora, 203 W. 14th st.
Sonora, 772 Park ave.
Sophie, 142 E. 48th st.
Sophie, 14 W. 117th St.
Sorrento, 136 Madison ave.
Sorrento, 24 W. 125th st.
Sound View, 456 W. 151st st.
South Kensington, 441 Park ave.
Southport, 51 Manhattan ave.
Sparling, 133 E. 17th st.
Sparta, 138 W 103d st.
Stafford, 170 W. 98th st.
Stanhope, 229 E. 14th st.
Stanhope, 104 E. 124th st.
Stanley, 175 E. 79th st.
*Stanley, 124 W. 47th st.
Stanley, 126 W. 83d st.
Stanley, 301 W. io6th st.
Stanton, 9 W. 91st st.
Stella, 170 W. 83d St.
Stella, 306 W. 112th st.
Sterling, 203 W. 113th st.
Stirling, 126 W. 49th st.
Stratford, 1070 Madison ave.
Stratford, 373 W. 116th st.
Strathmore, 1674 Broadway
Stratton, 342 W. 85th st.
Stuart, 250 W. 94th St.
Stuyvesant, 238 E. 13th st.
Stuyvesant, 17 Livingston pi.
Stuyvesant, 142 E. 18th st.
Sudeley, 76 W. 85th st.
Summersoy, 342 W. 56th st.
Summit, 1428 Lexington ave.
Sunnyside, 61 E. 73a st.
Sunnyside, 1064 Madison ave.
Sunset, 175 W. 85th st.
Surmount, 61 W. 133d st.
Susquehanna, 70 W. 128th st.
Sussex, 55 E. 65th St.
Swannanoa, 105 E. 15th st.
Sweet William, 243 W. 98th st.
Sybil, 259 W. 112th st.
Sydenham, 250 W. 51st st.
Sylvan, 1997 Lexington ave.
Sylvia, 59 W. 76th st.
Tacoma, 1185 Lexington ave.
Tecumtha, 219 W. 34th st.
Temple Court, 20 E. 90th st.
Tennyson, 131 E. 43d st.
Tenterden, 263 W. 25th st.
Teresa, 241 W. 113th st.
Terrace, 143 E. 58th st.
Teviot, 2469 Broadway
Thermopylae, 238 W. 122d st.
Thistle, 168 W. 98th st.
Thistle, 267 W. 113th st.
Thomas, 4 W. 114th st.
Tigris, 222 W. 21st st.
Tintem, 2465 Broadway
Tolosa, 145 W. 58th St.
Touraine, 9 E. 39th st.
Towers, 1 W. 94th st.
Townsend, 206 W. 121st st.
Tremont, 97 Lexington ave.
Trent, 124 E. 91st st.
Trouville, 2783 Broadway
Tuileries, 251 W. 95th st.
Turrets, 114 Riverside ave.
Tuxedo, 65 W. 70th St.
Tuxedo, 144 W. 111th st.
Tuxedo, 1900 Lexington ave.
Unadilla, 126 W. 11th st.
Union, 109 W. 56th st.
University, 106 W. 47th st.
University, 1161 Amsterdam ave.
University Court, Broadway and 112th st.
Urania, 238 W. 129th st.
Utowana, 218 W. 21st st.
Valencia, 150 Central Park South
Vallamont, 180 St. Nicholas ave.
Valverde, 145 E. 30th st.
Vancorlear, 200 W. 56th st.
Van Horne, 300 W. 106th st.
Van Koven, 2790 Broadway
Van Nydeck, 64 E. 90th st.
*Van Rensselaer, 17 E. 11th st.
Van Vorst, 304 W. 114th st.
Venice, 408 W. 57th st.
Venus, 1762 Madison ave.
Vera, 9 W. 68th st.
Vera, 307 W. 97th st.
Vermont, 301 W. 57th st.
Vernon, 107 E. 123d st.
Verona, 154 W. 106th st.
Verona, 1861 Lexington ave.
Versailles, 250 W. 91st st.
Victor, 515 Lexington ave.
Victor Hugo, 1878 Seventh ave.
Victoria, 777 Eighth ave.
Victoria, Riverside ave., and 97th st.
Victoria, 86 W. 113th st.
Victoria, Lenox ave. and 138th st.
Victoria, 104 Second ave.
Viola, 2023 Lexington ave.
Viola, 257 W. 112th st.
Viola, 26 E. 116th st.
Virginia, 52 W. 129th st.
Virginia, 479 W. 146th st.
Volunteer, 301 W. 126th st.
Von Colon, 311 W. 97th st.
Vondel, 171 E. 83d st.
Von Hoffman, 29 W. 26th st.
Voorhis, 214 W. 4th st.
Wachusett, 182 W. 75th st.
Wagner, 51 E. 59th st.
Wahnita, 105 W. 77th st.
Waldau, 38 Washington sq.. West
Walden, 108 W. 83d st.
Waldine, 143 W. 128th st.
Walkuere, 1264 Lexington ave.
Walkuere, 2 W. 112th st.
Wallace, 452 W. 47th st.
Walmore, 53 E. 78th st.
Walton, 220 W. 53d St.
Walton, 164 E. 80th st.
Wanaque, 359 W. 47th st.
Warren, 430 W. 34th st.
Warwick, 258 W. 55th st.
Warwick, 92 St. Nicholas ave.
Warwick Arms, 101 W. 80th st.
Washington, 29 West Washington sq.
Washington, 358 W. 45th st.
Washington, 940 Eighth ave.
Washington. 106 E. 116th st.
Washington, 2034 Seventh ave.
Washington, 115 Hamilton pl.
Washington, 478 W. 159th st.
Washington, 501 W. 182d st.
Washington Irving, 203 W. 112th st.
Washington View, 39½ Washington sq.
Watsessing, 253 W. 95th st.
Watts Court, 161 W. 140th st.
Waumbek, 955 West End ave.
Wawanda, 235 E. 13th st.
Webber, 1377 Lexington ave.
Webster, 418 W. 47th st.
Webster, 2025 Seventh ave.
Wellesley, 440 West End ave.
Wellington, 1292 Madison ave.
Wellswood, 122 E. 91st st.
Wendover, 483 Columbus ave.
Wentworth, 453 W. 155th st.
Wernert, 210 W. 21st st.
Westboume, 930 West End ave.
West End, 131 W. 67th st.
West End, 738 West End ave.
West End, 164 W. 128th st.
*Westerly, 955 Sixth ave.
Westerly, 103 W. 54th st.
Wester York, 712 West End ave.
Westhampton, 2155 Seventh ave.
Westleigh, 457 W. 123d st.
Westminster, 115 E. 16th st.
Westminster, 355 W. 145th st.
Westmoreland, 100 E. 17th st.
Westpark, 421 W. 57th st
West Point, 336 W. 95th st.
Westport, 48 W. 73d St.
West View, 342 W. 71st st.
Wharfedale, 604 W. 115th st.
Whitehall, 1871 Seventh ave.
Whittier Hall, 1230 Amsterdam ave.
Wickliffe, 226 W. 78th st.
Wiesbaden, 110 W. 40th st.
Wilbraham, 1 W. 30th st.
*Wilhelmina, 1919 Seventh ave.
Wilhelmine, 444 W. 43d st.
Wilmington, 230 W. 97th st.
Wilmont, 28 E. 28th st.
Windemere, 400 W. 57th st.
Windlesham, 115 E. 92d st.
Windsor, 1700 Broadway
Winfield, 207 W. 56th st.
Winona, 101 E. 87th st.
Winona, 249 W. 112th st.
Winslowe Court, Hamilton pl., cor. 141st st.
*Winthrop, 2090 Seventh ave.
Wissinoming, 697 West End ave.
Withington, 20 W. 60th st.
Wollastan, 231 W. 96th st.
Woodbury, 29 E. 95th st.
Woodside, 63 Momingside ave.
*Wroxeter, 137 W. 45th st.
Wyoming, 145 Second ave.
Wyoming, 166 W. 55th st.
Wyoming, 241 W. 115th st.
Yale, 966 St. Nicholas ave.
*York, 149 W. 44th St.
Yosemite, 550 Park ave.
Yosemite, 183 W. 87th st.