New York City Apartment Building Names In 1904 – Part 2

New York City Apartment House Names In 1904 (G-N)

Graham Court Apartments Seventh Ave 116th – 117th St

We continue our list of New York City apartment building names and their addresses in 1904 with part two, building names from G to N.

Researching a building at random, I came across this interesting aside. The fully occupied Marlborough Arms, a seven story apartment building at 57 West 10th Street was offered for sale at auction in 1895.

The sale price was $89,407.

The building stands today, though the name Marlborough Arms is nowhere to be seen. The current managing agent lists the building as being built in 1915, but they are wrong. According to real estate records, the same 19th century Marlborough Arms apartment building was sold in 1919 to A.A. Hageman.

This list is only comprised of apartment buildings in Manhattan and the Bronx.

Apartment – Hotels are denoted by an asterisk.

Gainsboro, 2 W. 120th st.

Gainsborough, 112 Riverside ave.

Galathea, 51 W. 106th st.

Galena, 101 W. 89th st.

Ganoga, 35 E. 27th st.

Garden, 164 St. Nicholas ave.

Garfield, 338 W. 56th st.

Garrick, 101 W. 126th st.

Gedrin, 525 W. 123d st.

Genesta, 448 W. 57th st.

Genevieve, 51 E. 12 2d st.

George, 57 W. 112th st.

Georgia, 200 W. 70th st.

Georgia. 119 E. 92d st.

Geraldine, 226 W. 37th st.

Gerlach, 107 W. 129th st.

Germania, 330 E. 119th st.

Gertrude, 82 Christopher st.

Gertrude, 102 W.

Gilbert, 94 W. 104th st.

Girard, 131 E. 84th st.

Gladstone, 431 Fifth ave.

Glastonbury, 203 W. 131st st.

Glenburn, 426 Central Park West

Glencoe, 849 Seventh ave.

Glenham, 2646 Broadway

Glenmore, 859 Seventh ave.

Glenwood, 242 W. 43d st.

Goelet, 105 E. 19th st.

Golden Gate, 272 Manhattan ave.

Golden Glow, 311 W. 111th st.

Gordon, 126 W. 45th st.

Gordon, 153 E. 79th st.

Gosford, 236 W. 55th St.

Governor, 67 W. 12th st.

Gracemore, 371 W. 120th st.

Grafton, 2708 Broadway

Graham Court, Seventh ave. and 116th st.

Gramercy, 156 W. 20th st.

Gramercy, 34 Gramercy Park

Grampion, 182 St. Nicholas ave.

Granada, 160 Central Park South

Grand Court, 201 W. 78th st.

Grand View, 313 W. 116th st.

Granite, 20 Morningside ave.

Grant, 309 W. 55th st.

Grantley, 557 W. 124th st.

Granville, 250 W. 93d st.

Grayling, 10 1 W. 74th st.

Graystone, 100 W. 74th st.

Graystone, 324 W. 109th st.

Greenfield, 46 W. 73d st.

Greenville, 500 E. 116th st.

Greenwich, 95 Greenwich ave.

Greenwich, 96 Perry st.

Greenwich, 446 Central Park West

*Gregorian, 42 W. 35th st.

Grenville, 227 E. 14th st.

Greycourt, 2137 Seventh ave.

Greylock, 61 W. 74th st.

Greylock, 371 W. 116th st.

Greylock, 2048 Seventh ave.

Greystone, 304 W. 99th st.

Griffin, 102 E. 26th St.

*Grosvenor, 37 Fifth ave.

Grove, 84 Grove st.

Halcyon Hall, 408 W. 150th st.

Hamilton, 336 E. 18th st.

Hamilton, 264 W. 22d st.

*Hamilton, 132 W. 45th st.

Hamilton, 126 W. 129th st.

Hamlton Grange, 476 W. 144th st.

Hampshire, 48 W. 9th st.

Hampton, 22 E. 31st st.

Hampton, 69 W. 131st st.

Hamptons, 201 W. 117th st.

Hanover, 2 E. 15th st.

Hanover, 229 E. 83d st.

Hanover, 823 West End ave.

Hanover, 2147 Fifth ave.

Hanover, 252 W. 133d st.

*Hargrave, 112 W. 72d st.

Harold, 211 W. 105th st.

Harold, 439 Manhattan ave.

Harold Court, 255 W. 102d st.

Harper, 234 Fifth ave.

Harriet, 1 W. 127th st.

Harrison, 7 W. 116th st.

Hartford, 60 W. 75th st.

Hartley, 482 Central Park West

Hatfield House, 103 E. 29th st.

Haulworthy Chambers, 152 Madison ave

Havemeyer, 337 W. 114th st.

Hawarden, 78 Christopher st.

Hawkins, 204 W. 81st st.

Hawthorne, 128 Central Park South

Hazelhurst, 443 Central Park West

Hazelhurst, 1 W. 104th st.

Hazelton, 16 E. 120th st.

Heathe, 106 W. 61st st.

Heights, 400 W. 152d st.

Helen, 470 W. 146th st.

Helena, 102 E. 31st st.

Helena, 332 W. 85th st.

Helen Court, 14 Morningside ave.

Helene, 102 E. 124th st.

Henri, 246 W. 128th st.

Henrietta, 59 E. 122d st.

Henry, 154 W. 105th st.

Henry James, 501 W. 113th st.

Herbert, 104 E. 81st st.

Herbert, 2083 Lexington ave.

Hermitage, 2170 Seventh ave.

Hermoine, 80 E. 116th st.

Hesperus, 408 Manhattan ave.

Hetherington, 571 Park ave.

Highland, 1402 Lexington ave.

*Highlands, 154 E. 91st st.

Hilda, 437 W. 44th St.

Hilda, 101 W. 83d st.

Hillcrest, 430 W. 116th st.

Hillsborough, 420 St. Nicholas ave.

Hockanum. 484 St. Nicholas ave.

*Hoffman Arms, 640 Madison ave.

Hoffman Court, 24 W. 99th st.

Hohenzollern, 73 E. 90th st.

Hohenzollern, 180 E. 91st st.

Holland, 66 W. 46th st.

Holland, 308 W. 116th st.

Holland Court, 73 E. 92d st.

Holley, 36 Washington sq.

Hollywood, 222 W. 20th st.

Hollywood, 1331 Madison ave.

Holyoke, 758 West End ave.

Homer, 1 W. 117th st.

Homestead, 335 W. 14th st.

Hortense, 101 W. 87th st.

Hortense Court, 9 E. 97th st.

Howard, 177 W. 26th st.

Howell, 510 W. 124th St.

Hubert, 230 Central Park South

Hudson, 227 Riverside ave.

Hudson, 140 E. 83d st.

Hudsonia, 315 W. 79th st.

Himtington, 218 W. 112th st.

Huntington, 234 W. 21st st.

Idlewild, 1854 Seventh ave.

Imperial, 201 W. 85th st.

Indiana, 117 W. 79th st.

Interlaken, 1380 Broadway

Inverin, 1272 Boston rd.

Invermere, 415 W. 118th st.

Inverness, 200 W. 57th st.

Iowa, 135 W. 104th St.

Irene, 48 W. 132d st.

Irmana, 133 W. 129th st.

*Iroquois, 49 W. 44th st.

Iroquois, 220 W. 133d st.

*Irving, 26 Gramercy Park

Irving, 1738 Madison ave.

Irvington, 138 W. 16th st.

Irvington, 1104 Lexington ave.

Irvington, 408 Central Park West

Ivanhoe, 456 Manhattan ave.

Ivanhoe. 58 W. 129th st.

Ivanhoe, 208 W. 141st st.

Ivy Courts, 220 W. 107th St.

Jardine, Madison ave. and 29th st.

Jardine, 205 W. 56th st.

Jeanne d’Arc, 200 W. 14th st.

Jefferson, 104 E. 116th st.

Jensico, 829 West End ave.

Jerome, 35 W. 61st st.

Jerome, 215 W. 116th st.

Jordan, 132 W. 12th st.

Josephine, 51 W. 112th st.

Judson, 53 Washington sq.

Jumel, 507 W. 142d st.

Kaaterskill-South, 94 Hamilton pl.

Kaaterskill-North, 100 Hamilton pl.

Kanawah, 203 W. 111th st.

Kanawha, 239 E. 13th st.

Kanawha, 2094 Fifth ave.

Kenedale, 1225 Madison ave.

Katahdin, 57 W. 113th st.

Katona, 146 W. 11th st.

Kauneonga, 330 W. 95th st.

Kendrick, 2788 Broadway

Kenesaw, 202 W. 103d st.

Kenilworth, 103 E. 10th st.

Kenilworth, 326 W. 36th st.

Kenilworth, 411 W. 51st st.

Kenmac, 2754 Broadway

Kenmar, 101 W. 77th st.

Kenmare, 327 Central Park West

Kenmore, 353 W. 57th st.

Kenmore, 1829 Seventh ave.

Kenosha, 141 W. 111th st.

Kensington, 449 Park ave.

Kensington, 226 W. 113th st.

Kenway, 190 Convent ave.

Kiamesha, 57 W. 111th st.

Kingsborough, 102 W. 44th st.

Kingscourt, Madison ave. and 87th st

Kingston, 129 E. 76th st.

Knickerbocker, 247 Fifth ave.

Knickerbocker, 251 W. 97th st.

Koerner, 101 E. 79th st.

Kushaqua, 407 W. 145th st.

Kwasind, 2 W. 129th st.

La Anne, 133 W. 129th st.

La Catalina, 410 Central Park West

Lafayette, 942 Eighth ave.

Lafayette, 129 E. 101st st.

La Grange, 1 W. 83d st.

L’Aiglon, 151 E. 81st st.

L’Alouette, 454 W. 22d st.

Lancaster, 39 E. 10th st.

Lancaster, 934 West End ave.

Langholm, 200 W. 112th st.

Lansing, 115 E. 76th st.

Laodicea, 232 W. 122d st.

Laonia, 400 W. 153d st.

Larchmont, 27 W. 11th st.

Larchmont, 179 W. 101st st.

Larchmont, 446 Central Park West

La Riviera, 230 W. 99th st.

La Rochelle, 57 W. 75th st.

La Scala, 465 Central Park West

Latara, 120 E. 114th st.

Latham, 92 Morningside ave.

Laurel, 201 W. 111th st.

Lauriston, 1239 Madison ave.

Laurrington, 202 W. 141st st.

La Vera, 142 W. 129th st.

La Vida, 133 W. 128th st.

Lawrence, 101 W. 75th st.

Leamington, 72 W. 89th st.

Leanora, 263 W. 112th st.

Leipsic, 222 W. 128th st.

Lenaire, 222 W. 133d st.

Lenox, 4 W. 36th st.

Lenox, 52 Lenox ave.

Lenox, 8 W. 115th st.

Lenox, 101 W. 118th st.

Lenox, 81 W. 127th st.

Lenox, 101 W. 135th st.

Lenox Court, 114 E. 71st st.

Lenox Court, 100 W. 141st st.

Lenox Hill, 987 Madison ave.

Leona, 843 West End ave.

Leone, 485 Coltunbus ave.

*Leonori, Madison ave. and 63d st.

Le Roy, 133 W. 113th st.

Leslie, 203 W. 135th st.

Lesster, 454 St. Nicholas ave.

Lexington, 126 E. 34th st.

Lexington, 2024 Lexington ave.

Leyland, 306 W. 80th st.

Lillian, 46 W. 132d st.

Lincoln, 347 W. 44th st.

Lincoln, 944 Eighth ave.

Linlaugh, 2647 Broadway

Linwood, 306 W. 32d st.

Lisbon, 175 W. 58th st.

Lispenard, 53 E. 86th st.

Livingston, 126 E. 19th st.

Livingston, 126 W. 66th st.

Livingston, 261 Central Park West

Livingston, 101 E. 92d st.

Livingston, 2387 Second ave.

Loanda, 103 W. 91st st.

Locksley Hall, 228 W. 17th st.

Lohengrin, 1944 Madison ave.

Lolita, 2 W. 83d St.

Longfellow Hall, 1228 Amsterdam ave.

Lonsdale, 567 Park ave.

Loreley, 85 E. 56th st.

Lorena, 202 E. 27th st.

Loretto, 62 E. 122d st.

Lorimer, 30 Central Park South

Loring, 202 W. 74th St.

Lorne, 134 E. 18th st.

*Lorraine, 2 E. 45th st.

Lorraine, 1427 Madison ave.

Lorraine, 204 W. 121st st.

Lossie, 114 E. 91st st.

Lotowana, 443 Manhattan ave.

Lotta, 1965 Seventh ave.

Louella, 159 W. 45th st.

Louisa, 181 5 Madison ave.

Louise, 100 W. 85th St.

Louise, 156 W. 105th st.

Lowell, 72 W. 93d St.

Lowell, 501 W. 120th St.

Loyola, 477 Central Park West

Lucia, 435 W. 123d St.

Lucile, 122 W. 114th St.

Lucinda, 1425 Madison ave.

Luxembourg, 200 W. 81st st.

Lyndon, 103 E. 123d st.

Lynnhurst, 12 W. 115th st.

Lyonhurst, 235 W. 76th st.

Mabel, 121 E. 29th st.

Madeline, 79 E. 125th st.

Madison, 130 E. 96th st.

Madison, 1703 Madison ave.

Madison, 2028 Lexington ave.

Madison Court, 1361 Madison ave.

Madrid, 180 Central Park South

Magnolia, 240 W. 102d st.

Majestic, St. Nicholas ave. and 145th st.

Makart, 53 E. 59th st.

Manchester, 512 W. 151st st.

Mandelay, 253 W. 112th st.

*Manhanset, 61 E. 59th st.

Manhattan, 60 Second ave.

Manhattan, 346 W. 30th st.

Manhattan, 101 W. 52d st.

Manhattan, 144 E. 52d st.

Manila, 174 W. 110th st.

Maniton, 143 W. 111th st.

Manor, 219 W. 43d st.

Mansfield, 12 W. 44th st.

Manteo, 255 W. 112th st.

Marathon, 12 E. 87th st.

*Marbury Hall, 164 W. 74th st.

Marcella, 2013 Fifth ave.

Marconi, 2412 Seventh ave.

Margaret, 126 W. 116th st.

Margarita, 117 Waverly pl.

Marguerite, 18 E. 120th st.

Marguerite, 2731 Broadway

Mania, 527 W. 124th st.

Marie, 223 E. 14th st.

Marie, 61 E. 86th St.

Marietta, 236 W. 134th st.

Marion, 55 E. 115th st.

Marion, 223 W. 105th st.

Marion, 110 E. 121st st.

Marion, 100 St. Nicholas ave.

Marion. 189 Audubon ave.

Mariposa, 147 W. 111th st.

Marjorie, 245 W. 113th st.

Marlborough, 358 W. 58th st.

Marlborough, 516 W. 151st st.

Marlborough Arms, 57 W. 10th st.

*Marlton, 5 W. 8th st.

Marshall. 117 W. 15th st.

Martha, 477 W. 57th st.

Martha, 200 W. 84th st.

Martinique, 54 W. 33d st.

Mary, 1819 Madison ave.

Mason, 6 E. 58th st.

Massassoit, 118 W. 129th st.

Massena, 944 Park ave.

Mathews, 226 W. 116th st

Matilda, 434 W. 48th st.

May, 118 E. 116th st.

May, 201 W. 135th st.

Mayflower, 307 W. 126th st.

McKinley, 63 W. 91st st.

Meissonier, 204 W. 55th st.

Melba, 424 Central Park West

Melbourne, 1 W. 89th st.

Melrose, 75 W. 94th st.

Melrose, 479 Central Park West

Melville, 165 E. 111th st.

Memnonium, 234 W. 122d st.

Mendelssohn, 113 W. 40th st.

Mentone, 148 W. 111th st.

Meres, 583 Prospect ave.

Mestanique, 688 E. 138th st.

Metropolitan, 250 W. 88th st.

Metropolitan, 235 W. 108th st.

Meunier, 1267 Lexington ave.

Middleton, 1842 Seventh ave.

Midlothian, 353 W. 117th st.

Milano, 127 W. 58th st.

Milden, 608 Lexington ave.

Mildred, 144 E. 17th st.

Mildred, 140 E. 92d st.

Mildred, 65 W. 117th st.

Milford, 211 W. 101st st.

Milton, 24 W. 60th St.

Milton, 853 St. Nicholas ave.

Milward, 44 W. 131st st.

Minald, 129 E. 85th st.

Minehaha, 505 W. 158th st.

Minerva, 305 W. 118th st.

Minnehaha, 923 Park ave.

Minnehaha, 910 Columbus ave.

Minnewaska, 2 W. 88th st.

Mirzam, 60 E. 90th st.

Mohawk, 450 W. 57th st.

Mohegan, 155 Madison ave.

Mohonk, 275 Central Park West

Monfort, 207 E. 14th st.

Montana, 93 W. 103d st.

Montana, 35 Mt. Morris Park

Montana, 2283 Seventh ave.

Monte Cristo, 157 W. 123d st.

Monterey, 147 E. 130th st.

Monterey, 351 W. 114th st.

Monte Sano, 26 W. 27th st.

Montevideo, 832 Seventh ave.

Montgomery, 302 W. 114th st.

Monticello, 400 West End ave.

Moorand, 267 W. 113th st.

Morningside, 328 W. 113th st.

Morningside, 10 W. 115th st.

Morris, 8 W. 114th st.

Morriston, 22 E. 120th st.

Mortimer, 201 W. 122d st.

Moselle. 180 W. 81st st.

Mount Morris, 6 W. 115th st

Mount Morris, 2 E. 120th st.

Mount Morris, 10 E. 130th st.

Mt. Morris Court, 22 Mt. Morris Park West

Mt. Rigi, 123 E. 82d st.

Mount Tom, 110 Riverside ave.

Murray Hill, 150 E. 40th st.

Narragansett, 435 W. 43d st.

Nassau, 217 W. 43d st.

Navahoe, 1 W. 106th st.

Navarre, 244 W. 99th st.

Nebraska, 80 W. 82d st.

Netherland, 172 W. 97th st.

Nethurmuir, 1184 Lexington ave.

Netherwood, 417 W. 150th st.

Neufville, 252 W. 84th st.

Nevada, Broadway and 70th st.

Nevada, 2285 Seventh ave.

New Amsterdam, 181 W. 75th st.

New Century, 401 West End ave.

Newport, 206 W. 52d st.

Newton, 16 W. 60th st.

New Windsor, 294 Central Park West

Niagara, 71 E. 87th st.

Niagara, 747 Tinton ave.

Nordica, 200 W. 113th st.

Norfolk, 45 W. 30th St.

Norfolk, 308 W. 94th St.

Norma, 960 Park ave.

Norma, 155 W. 83d st.

Norman, 134 W. 67th st.

Normandie, 100 W. 119th st.

Northport, 76 W. 103d st.

Northumberland, 670 Lexington ave.

Norton, 479 W. 152d st.

Norwood, 200 W. 99th st.

Norwood, 168 W. 126th st.

Norwood, 201 W. 128th st.

Novelda, 1235 Lexington ave.

5 thoughts on “New York City Apartment Building Names In 1904 – Part 2

  1. Tawaon Fields

    I use to live at 14 Morningside Apt 4N fourth floor and Apt 2 right of the elevator . I was 12 years old and I was born and raised in Harlem . I would love the opportunity to live there again .

  2. Michelle Baker

    Have you continued this wonderful list through the S’s? Our building is planning to name itself “The Sherwood” after a recently deceased board member. I’m wondering whether there have been other NYC building with this name.

    Thank you in advance.

  3. Nat Plotkin

    Was there a building on the ues that at one time was considered a “sister” building to the Dakota, possibly called the Wyoming?

    1. B.P. Post author

      The story of the Wyoming on 55th Street & 7th Avenue is told by Christopher Gray here.

      An update to Gray’s 2002 article- the building is still there.


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