Tag Archives: Sophia Loren

Old New York In Photos #174 – Times Square 1961

Times Square Movie Ads, The Automat and Other Signs Of the Time

A frozen moment on a sunny winter day in Times Square.

We are looking north from 46th Street to the west side of Broadway. Before looking at the surroundings, check out the tail fins on the passing 1960 Plymouth Savoy automobile heading east.

You may notice the human scale of what Times Square once was. Continue reading

Classic Hollywood #16 – Sophia Loren & Jayne Mansfield

When Legends Meet – Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield

One of the more infamous publicity incidents in Hollywood history captured in photographs, took place on April 12, 1957 at a party held at Romanoff’s Restaurant, 240 South Rodeo Drive, to welcome Sophia Loren to Hollywood.

Loren, the Italian beauty, was sitting at a table with gossip columnist Louella Parsons and film star Clifton Webb.

Then Jayne Mansfield walked in. Continue reading