Is There A Better Way To Start Your Day Than Standing Naked In Front of Richard Nixon?
You never know what you’ll come across at the Stormville (NY) Airport flea market. Every time I think I’ve seen everything I get a sober reminder that I haven’t.
Who knew that a company actually marketed and sold a Richard Nixon shower head?
Can you think of anything less appealing than getting up every day, stepping into the shower and stand naked in front of a likeness of Richard Nixon as he sprays water on you?
Unless your name was Pat Nixon, it sounds kind of creepy.
Apparently in 1987, the folks at Banning manufacturing, thought a Richard Nixon shower head would be a laugh riot and big seller.
As the box mentions it is a “great way to start your day.”
Though the Richard Nixon shower head might have been easy to install and would fit any shower it apparently did not catch on with the public.
And it was only $10 at Stormville flea market.
I passed.
Can’t imagine why this didn’t become the next pet rock…